At the 8th Annual Meeting of EPIZONE, RISKSUR will be represented in Session 8: Epidemiology (II) by Birgit Schauer/FLI. In focus of her presentation: the degree of publicly available information on surveillance designs in EU countries (considering regional, national and EU reporting).
EPIZONE, the European Research Group for Epizootic Disease Diagnosis and Control, will hold their annual meeting 23-25 September in Copenhagen, Denmark, hosted by DTU National Veterinary Institutet. This year's meeting's theme is "Primed for tomorrow" and it will address the latest developments aimed at monitoring and understanding the evolution, emergence, transmission and spread of epizootic viruses. The focus will remain on the EPIZONE themes aimed at improved disease control through integration and collaboration of research in diagnosis, intervention strategies, risk assessment, surveillance and epidemiology.