On June 26, 2014, RISKSUR succefully hosted the second session in a series of “Surveillance Surgery” webinars with 40+ participants from 13 different countries.
The topic of this session was Looking at society from animal health surveillance aiming to introduce and discuss the wider societal context within which animal health surveillance operates, with Barbara Häsler from the Royal Veterinary College (UK) as speaker. Her presentation was based on findings from the recently completed mapping of animal and human populations, surveillance systems, infrastructure, trade flows and decision-making processes in the countries participating in the RISKSUR project. Download the Research Brief of the Report HERE.
The online meeting format (Adobe® Connect™ webinar) allowed for participants to place their inquiries and contribute information in relation to this topic. The webinar was recorded and is available for viewing via the below link:
Recording of RISKSUR Surveillance Surgery Webinar N°2: Looking at society from animal health surveillance.