The RISKSUR project is developing a surveillance design framework implemented in a web-based tool with the aim of structuring the process of designing, documenting and re-designing animal health surveillance systems.
At the occasion of the annual meeting of the Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine (SVEPM) a workshop was held on March 25th in Ghent, Belgium, to present the framework to those interested in surveillance design and to collect their feedback.
Thirty-three participants from 13 countries attended the three hour workshop. The workshop was very productive, and invaluable input for further improvement of the online tool was gathered. Participants were very positive regarding the potential of the free tool, and its usefulness in supporting design and documentation of animal health surveillance activities. Their input will now be incorporated by the RISKSUR team into the next version of the tool to be released this summer. Check back to our website for the latest updates.