The Food and Agriculture Organization is the largest technical organization of the United Nations. With respect to livestock, one thrust of FAO’s activities encompasses prevention, control and elimination of major animal diseases including zoonoses. The effectiveness of these activities relies heavily on ‘early detection’ of unusual disease events (i.e. global ‘surveillance’) and ensuing rapid reaction. To this end, FAO, in close collaboration with national and international partners, coordinate the emergency prevention system (EMPRES) for Transboundary Animal Diseases (EMPRES Animal Health) and leads the development of the Joint FAO/OIE/WHO Global Early Warning System (GLEWS). FAO has a broad range of expertise in implementing animal health projects including the design, implementation and evaluation of surveillance systems for animal diseases in different ecosystems and socioeconomic contexts.
Role in the project
WP 5, 6 and 7 participant | Co-leadership of WP 7 | Development of evaluation framework | Communication of project outputs to global stakeholders | Access to relevant international data sources.
Vincent Martin, Head of EMPRES-Animal health (a.i.) - Email
Julio Pinto, Veterinary Epidemiologist (Animal Diseases Surveillance and Early Warning), EMPRES/GLEWS - Email
Websites FAO Agricultural Dpt., GLEWS, EMPRES